Jamie's Portrait by Educated Savage

I Make Magic So People Can See What’s Already There

Jamie's Portrait by Educated Savage
Jamie by Educated Savage

So, there’s this scene in The Last Unicorn where the Unicorn is captured by Mommy Fortuna and placed in Mommy’s Carnival of Wonders.

In it, Mommy Fortuna has a lion that is magic’d to look like a Manticore, a monkey that’s magic’d to look like a ferocious beast, and a snake magic’d to look like a dragon. But Mommy has two REAL wondrous creatures: the Harpy and the Unicorn.

Unfortunately, to normal people, Unicorns just look like pure white horses – they cannot see the horn unless they know what to look for. So Mommy Fortuna shows her audience a real, live Unicorn by magicking a fake, illusory horn on the Unicorn’s forehead. And when the people see her, they weep at her beauty.

I’m Mommy Fortuna putting fake horns on real Unicorns. *I* can see the beauty of a real Unicorn with my bear naked eyes – I know the secrets of seeing. But when I take my photographs, I take them so that OTHER people can see the amazing creature I’m looking at for what it really is, instead of what they’re expecting to be.

And when the people see her, they weep at her beauty.

Call me “Mommy” for short!

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