New Lake, New Lake!

Okay, so Yosemite is still closed due to all the snow, so we tried a different, nearby lake that’s new to us on recommendation. We ALSO decided to try a new method of sitting and hanging out and waiting for birds to show up instead of chasing after them which we both felt was MUCH more successful. Little bummed that we spent a LONG time trying to find a good spot, but in the meantime, we got to meet a LOT of the park workers who were super friendly and helpful! Especially Larry, who is a photographer himself!

Pictured below, we have an American Robin, Brewer’s Blackbird (or maybe a Common Grackle), Red-tailed Hawk (probably), Carpenter Bee (maybe), Turkey Vulture, Common Raven, Ospreys, Bullock’s Oriole, Western Kingbird, and a European Starling.

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